Game Information Information about various word board games.

Words With Friends

If you are a great fan of building words and you enjoy doing it with your friends and family then the word with friends is your ideal game. It is a game that can be played competitively among several people from the comfort of your home. Unlike other word games that are mainly played on boards the words with friends can be played from your phone. The game has been integrated with your favorite social network face book. It can be found on several phones and on various operating systems. It is possible to enjoy your game from your iPhone or Android. For that exciting and enjoyable experience of sharing games with your family and friends then the words with friends is your best bet.


Scrabble is a game that involves creating of words that are played on a board. The words are created across and in a downward form and have to be found existing in a dictionary. The game is sold across the world in about 121 countries and comes in about 29 different languages. It’s dynamic in nature and could be one game that knows no boundaries seeing it is played across the world. It has its origin in America around the year 1938 though it has been sold around the world it is most popular in the United States of America. It is a great game to help build your language through the building of words it is a great game to play with your family.

The 2004 birth of the super scrabble game came from the parent game of scrabble that has gained popularity all over the world. Winning games and tinder box are the two main manufactures of the game in the United States and in the rest of the world. The main difference between the super scrabble and scrabble is that it has more space and tiles and awards more point. It basically presents a much fun way of socializing with family and friends through building of words. For a game that earns you more space and points then the super scrabble game is the right game for you.


Literati is a game that is played on a grid and it involves the creation of a word by the first player and the other players follow suit. The game is played by four players whose task is to create words from several word tiles. The scores are calculated from the point values from each letter tiles. Some of the intersections have higher values than others hence a player may score more by landing on these intersections. The game comes to an end once the players are not able to create any more words and all the letter tiles have been played the player with the highest scores then wins the game.


Gone are the days when you want to play word games you were restricted to boards thanks to technology you can play wordsmith from the comfort of your phone. Wordsmith can be described as a cross word game that involves 2 to 4 players. Unlike other word games you are only allowed three tries per word. Hence this eliminates the wild guesses on words that characterize other word games. The game is conveniently available on your phone or iPod since it is available on Android and iOS systems. The next time you are travelling or are just relaxing with your family and friends, you can engage in a game of Wordsmith.


Wordfued is a multiplayer game found on your iPhone or iPod that allows you invite friends from your contact list. It comes in several languages and allows you to select random players and also allows you play at your own pace. Unlike other word games on your phone Wordfued allows you to play up to 30 games simultaneously. It is readily available on several applications making it even more attractive since you can get it on your android or get it from your apple store. The game is free of charge and comes with push notifications so next time you are looking for an exciting game on your phone your solution lies in the Wordfued game.


Droidwords is a crossword game that allows 1 or two players that is compatible with the android application. If you are all alone you can change to the single player application and it also allows you regulate the pace at which you play. It also offers you the convenience of getting to know the meaning of the last word your opponent used by giving you the meaning from the Wiktonary. There are great features of this game that include the ability to chat with your friend as you play. Droidwords is a fun game that uses the Android platform at a very affordable price.


Wordscraper is a cross word game that is loved by millions across the globe. The greatest selling point that Wordscraper has is the fact that it is free of charge and does not have the numerous advertisements found on other board games. It has features that enable you analyze your game moves which is very important in making your next move. It has similar rules as well as a uniform scoring system this makes it globally acceptable and people in different parts of the world can play the same game. It is a very fast game and so the next time you and your friends need some fast action then the Wordscraper is your ideal game.

Words By Post

Words By Post is a word game that gives you your skill level and matches you with opponents with the same ability. It is available on several phone applications like Windows 7, Android and the iPhone hence it does not matter what kind of phone you or your friends have; you can play the same game. This is a very unique feature that makes it very popular among users. It gives you the ability to chat with your opponents as well as get a definition for the words used by your opponent. It also allows you the privilege of viewing the history of the previous games played.


Millions of people across the world enjoy the award winning Lexulous game. It is a game that can be played live or using an email version of the game. The live version can accommodate 2-4 players at a time and can even allow you to match robots. The email version is suitable if you live in two different time zones with your friends’ .When you make a move an email is sent to them and once the counter the move you also receive and email. This is a sure great way to keep in touch with your friends and hang out with them over a game of Lexulous. Whether playing the game live or via email Lexulous is a game that will definitely bring great excitement to your life.


Wordwise is a two player crossword board game that is played between devices. To play the game you need to be logged in to a Google account. Once you are logged in then you simply need to invite your friends and you can begin having fun playing Wordwise. The basics of the game are making words with your tiles and getting the highest score in the game. Next time you are wondering what exciting stuff you can do when on your Google account then your solution to a great game is Wordwise. The will definitely keep you and your friends exited and having loads of fun.